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TCG Set Info
(With general info, and card scans, lists, and spoilers.)

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Japanese Neo 1 Card Scans

I don't have time/willpower/care to rename all the cards and links.

The number of cards in the Neodex™: 94
The number of Neo 'Fake' Translation cards: 13
Cards in the set, but have no scan are in
Plain Black
Promos Cards are in
Red & Italics
Regular Cards in the Set are in
Blue & Bold
Rarity is in Plain Small Green
Cards Not in Neo are in Small Grey & Italics

025 - Pikachu (Common)
035 - Clefairy
043 - Oddish (Common)
044 - Gloom
079 - Slowpoke (Common)
095 - Onix
116 - Horsea (Common)
117 - Seadra
125 - Electabuzz
126 - Magmar
152 - Chikoriita (#1) (#2) (Common)
153 - Beiriifu (#1) (#2) (Uncommon)
154 - Meganuimu (#1) (#2) (Rare-Holo)
155 - Hinoarashi (#1) (#2) (Common)
156 - Magumarashi (#1) (#2) (Uncommon)
157 - Bakufuun (#1) (#2) (Rare-Holo)
158 - Waninoko (#1) (#2) (Common)
159 - Arigeitsu (#1) (#2) (Uncommon)
160 - Oodairu (#1) (#2) (Rare-Holo)
161 - Otachi (Common)
162 - Ootachi
163 - Hoohoo (Common)
164 - Yorunozuhu (Uncommon)
165 - Rediba (Common)
166 - Redian (Uncommon)
167 - Itomaru (Common)
168 - Ariadosu (Uncommon)
169 - Kurobato
170 - Chyonchii (Common)
171 - Rantaan (Uncommon)
172 - Pichu (Rare-Holo)
173 - Pii (#1) (#2) (Rare)
174 - Pupurin
175 - Togepi
176 - Togechiku (Rare-Holo)
177 - Neitei
178 - Neiteio
179 - Meriipu
180 - Mokoko (Uncommon)
181 - Denryu
182 - Kireihana
183 - Marril (Mariru)
184 - Mariruri (Rare-Holo)
185 - Usokii (Common)
186 - Nirotono
187 - Haneko (Common)
188 - Popoko
189 - Wutako
190 - Eipamu (Uncommon)
191 - Himanatsu (Common)
192 - Kimakeri
193 - Yanyanma
194 - Upaa (#1) (#2)
195 - Nuoo
196 - Eefui
197 - Bulakii
198 - Yamikarasu (#1) (#2)
199 - Slowking (Yadokingu) (Rare-Holo)
200 - Muuma
201 - Annoon
202 - Soonansu
203 - Kirinriki
204 - Kenugidama
205 - Furetosu
206 - Nokochi
207 - Guraigaa (Common)
208 - Haganeeru (Rare-Holo)
209 - Snubble (Buruu)
210 - Guranburu
211 - Hariisen
212 - Hasamu
213 - Tsubotsubo (Common)
214 - Herakerosu (Rare-Holo)
215 - Niyuura (#1) (#2)
216 - Himeguma
217 - Ringuma
218 - Magumaugu
219 - Magekarugo
220 - Urimuu
221 - Inomuu
222 - Saniigo
223 - Tepouo
224 - Okutan
225 - Deribaado
226 - Mantain (Common)
227 - Eaamudo (Rare-Holo)
228 - Deribiru
229 - Herugaa
230 - Kingdra (Rare-Holo)
231 - Gomazou
232 - Donphun (Donfun)
233 - Porigon 2
234 - Odoshishi (Common)
235 - Dooburu
236 - Barukii
237 - Kapoeraa
238 - Muchiiru
239 - Elekid (Erekido)
240 - Bubii (Rare)
241 - Milktank (Mirutanku) (Uncommon)
242 - Hapinasu
243 - Raikou
244 - Entai
245 - Suikun
246 - Yoogirasu
247 - Sanagirasu
248 - Bangirasu
249 - Lugia (Rare-Holo)
250 - Houou
251 - Serebii

Bellsprout Tower (Stadium)
Bill's Transporter
Ecogym (Stadium)
Energy Build-Up
Great Rod
Megadex (Uncommon)
Mrs. Walnut
Poké Milk (Common)
Poké Nut (Poké Item)
Poké Orange (Poké Item)
Poker Cards (Uncommon)
Pokémon March (Common)
Pokéswitch (Common)
Power Bandana (Poké Item)
Professor Utsugi (Uncommon)
Slot Machine
Super Energy Retreval
Super Poké Nut (Poké Item)
Time Machine

Devil/Dark Energy
Steel Energy (Rare-Holo)
Recyclable Energy


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

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