So really... what is EX Hidden Legends? Here are the facts:
Set Size: 99 in Japan, "over 100" in the US
The main Japanese set had 83 cards, while one Japanese Metagross preconstructed deck had 16 unique cards in it (3 of them were reprinted trainers from the main set). The English release is said to have over 100 cards... meaning maybe 101. :D We'll see what the extra cards are.
Set Order: 23rd set in Japan, 20th set in the US
Release Date: January 17th, 2004 in Japan, June 2004 in the US.
Other Goodies:
The last of the ADV sets, exactly as I had predicted it. :D
Dual-types have been a hot number since the previous set, as there were two new dual-types in this set; a Metal-Psychic Metagross and a Metal-Psychic Jirachi. Good times.
This set completes the release of all the new Pokémon from Ruby and Sapphire.
The symbol for EX Hidden Legends is.... [shrugs]