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TCG Set Info
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The card set that started it all. Need we say more?

BS1 Card List
BS1 Preconstructed Deck Info
• BS1 Card Scans


So really... what is Base Set 1? Here are the facts:

Set Size: 102 in the US and in Japan

Set Order: 1st set in the US, 1st set in Japan

Release Date: January 9th, 1999 in the US; ??? in Japan
The Pokémon TCG's first release in the US came as something of a wimper... because of it's "kiddy" qualities, many card shops were reluctant to buy it. Because of that, many card shops didn't release it until March or April. Of course, once they were released, they wondered how they did without.

Base Set 1 is a stand-alone set.

Other Goodies:
• It was the first Pokémon TCG card set. That's quite interesting.
• Word is that this set was called "Fire" in Japan.
• This set has been out of print in the US for quite some time. Certain non-US countries still have it though.

Symbol: There is no symbol for Base Set.


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