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To Be A Fake Master
Other Fake Tips and Tricks

This page contains all the other tips I have for you. Uhm... enjoy!

Better Quality Cards:
Using MS Paint and your cards looks like this?

Then this tip is for you!

First off, I know in Windows there is a function called "Font Smoothing" or "Anti-Aliasing". Turn it ON. The same thing goes for Mac users using MacOS 8.5 and up. This will help you out also when making fake cards.

Now I believe that MS Paint has a function where you can resize an image. If you can, resize the card blank you want to work with by 200%. (Do the same with your symbols and picture and anything else.) Then start making your card.

When you're done with the card, SHRINK the image by 50% (thus bringing it back to it's original size), and Tadah! Your card looks better already!

Bonus Tip: The BIGGER you resize your card, then the better it'll look. Make it 400% larger when you make your card, and it'll be even better looking that the one above!

ALRIGHT!! That's all the tips I have for you though.


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

Idealy, FakeCard.com looks best at 1024 X 786 and at millions (16.7 million) of colors, but it looks decent at 800 x 600 and at thousands (65,536) of colors. Any less and it starts to look crappy.

Don't read this.