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Pokémon TCG Fakes:
Fake Edition
Mayakashi Edition
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Pokémon City
Pokémon USA
Metropolitan Masters
Other Fakes
Weird Fakes

Duel Masters Fakes:
Schmedition Edition
Other Fakes
Weird Fakes

Fan Fakes
Staff Fakes

Make Your Own Fakes!

Pokémon TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Duel Masters Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Magic TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
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NeoPets TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads


Make Your Own Fake Cards!
Step 6

So what's the 6th and final step? Practice, practice, PRACTICE!! If you wish to become a fake master, you need to constantly be making new fake cards to help you gain more experience. I mean you can't get a level 100 Pokémon without having it battle A LOT!

If you need tips and ideas for fake cards, stop by the "Fake Card Mania" forum at the FakeCard.com Forums, or the "Create-A-Card" forum at The PokéGym. People from both those places are very helpful and can give you more fake card making tips!

Now if you're ready to step up to some harder training, go to the TO BE A FAKE MASTER. It's a tough road, so don't say we didn't warn you!


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

Idealy, FakeCard.com looks best at 1024 X 786 and at millions (16.7 million) of colors, but it looks decent at 800 x 600 and at thousands (65,536) of colors. Any less and it starts to look crappy.

Don't read this.