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Pokémon TCG Fakes:
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Duel Masters Fakes:
Schmedition Edition
Other Fakes
Weird Fakes

Fan Fakes
Staff Fakes

Make Your Own Fakes!

Pokémon TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Duel Masters Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Magic TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

NeoPets TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Fakes
- Beginners Guide
- Advanced Tutorial
- Blanks
- Downloads


Make Your Own Fake Cards!
Step 2

Once you get your graphics program, you'll need to download the materials needed for your fake card. This includes the fonts, the blank card background, and the symbols needed for your card.

Fortunatly, we've supplied all that for you. To download them, click here to visit the Download section (opens in a new window), and choose which download you want.

There are several different packages for you download. If you're just starting out, we suggest downloading the LOW Download package. Each of the packages contain all the files necessary to make fake cards, including:

Blanks: The actual background for your fake card.
Fonts: The actual fonts used fake card making (Gill Sans and Unown).
Symbol Sheet: The file that has all the energy symbols, HP's, and so forth.
Evocons: Evolution icons, used for the little "Evolves from" thingy on your Evolution cards.
Holos: To make your fake card look... holographic!

Though you don't have to download the LOW file. If you already have Photoshop, you could try the larger ones, or download each individual file as well in case you've already downloaded some files from before.

When you've unstuffed/unzipped the downloaded file, there'll be a read me file explaining the odds and ends for the download, just in case you aren't sure what everything is. Mac users get a neat little surprise. ;)

And as soon as you're ready, you can just click on the link below to go on to the next step.


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

Idealy, FakeCard.com looks best at 1024 X 786 and at millions (16.7 million) of colors, but it looks decent at 800 x 600 and at thousands (65,536) of colors. Any less and it starts to look crappy.

Don't read this.