So really... what is Duel Masters Base Set? Here
are the facts:
Set Size: 110
Techically it's 121 cards... 110 from the main set, 10 Super Rare Cards, and a "A" version of Rothus, the Traveler in the Starter Deck. Hmmm!
Set Order: 1st set in the US
Release Date: March 5th, 2004
Wizards of the Coast, in an effort to turn a molehill into a mountain, introduced the game with MUCH fan-fare. Aside from a comic and television series, one of the larger events included a large scale opening event in New York City.
Other Goodies:
It was the first Duel Masters TCG card set. That's quite interesting.
In Japan, this game knocked Yu-Gi-Oh! from the number one card game... so...
This game is loosely based on Wizards of the Coasts' classic Magic The Gathering card game. Story goes... someone in Japan decides to make a manga series about kids playing Magic. That someone (Shigenobu Matsumoto) later gets rich and famous for his series and approaches Wizards to make an television program for Magic. Wizards said no, but later opted to turn Shigenobu's story into a card game. And thus Duel Masters was created. Close enough.
Other Images:
Booster Pack (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
9-Card Puzzle
Booster Box
Starter Deck
Mini-Comic from Starter Deck
Blister Pack
Preconstructed Decks
Magazine Advertisement
Symbol: The symbol for Base Set is a sort of Golden W thingy: