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 #134   Vaporeon

Pokemon Image PokeDex Information

Pokemon Red / Blue
Lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's.
Pokemon Yellow
Its structure is similar to water molecules. It will melt away and become invisible in water.
Pokemon Gold
When VAPOREON's fins begin to vibrate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours.
Pokemon Silver
It prefers beautiful shores. With cells similar to water molecules, it could melt in water.
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Stadium
Found quietly resting by lake shores. Its cell structure is similar to water, so it can invisibly melt into water.
Pokemon Stadium 2
Evolutionary Growth Pokemon Statistics
Eevee Evolves into Vaporeon w/ Water Stone
Eevee Evolves into Jolteon w/ Thunder Stone
Eevee Evolves into Flareon w/ Fire Stone
Eevee Evolves into Espeon when Full Happiness is reached During the Day
Eevee Evolves into Umbreon when Full Happiness is reached During the Night
Basic Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1
Basic Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1
Height Weight
3' 03" 64 lbs.
Nickname Type
Bubble Jet Water
Attack Name Red/Blue Yellow Gold/Silver/Crystal
Tackle - - -
Sand-Attack - - 8
Quick Attack 27 27 23
Water Gun 31 31 16
Tail Whip 37 37 -
Bite 40 30 30
Aurora Beam Not Learned 36 36
Haze 44 42 42
Acid Armor 42 47 47
Mist 48 Not Learned Not Learned
Hydro Pump 52 52 52
HM/TM Compatibility - Red/Blue/Yellow HM/TM Compatibility - Gold/Silver/Crystal
TM01 TM02 TM03 TM04 TM05
TM06 TM07 TM08 TM09 TM10
TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15
TM16 TM17 TM18 TM19 TM20
TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25
TM26 TM27 TM28 TM29 TM30
TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35
TM36 TM37 TM38 TM39 TM40
TM41 TM42 TM43 TM44 TM45
TM46 TM47 TM48 TM49 TM50
HM01 HM02 HM03 HM04 HM05
TM01 TM02 TM03 TM04 TM05
TM06 TM07 TM08 TM09 TM10
TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15
TM16 TM17 TM18 TM19 TM20
TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25
TM26 TM27 TM28 TM29 TM30
TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35
TM36 TM37 TM38 TM39 TM40
TM41 TM42 TM43 TM44 TM45
TM46 TM47 TM48 TM49 TM50
HM01 HM02 HM03 HM04 HM05
HM06 HM07  

Pokemon Aaah! Pokedex
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