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 #082   Magneton

Pokemon Image PokeDex Information

Pokemon Red / Blue
Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up.
Pokemon Yellow
Generates strange radio signals. It raises the temperature by 3.6F degrees within 3,300 feet.
Pokemon Gold
Three MAGNEMITE are linked together by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close.
Pokemon Silver
The Magnemite are united by magnetism so powerful, it dries all moisture in its vicinities.
Pokemon Crystal
When many Magneton gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves.
Pokemon Stadium
Formed by Magnemite that link together when the number of black spots on the sun increases. Fires high-voltage power, etc.
Pokemon Stadium 2
Evolutionary Growth Pokemon Statistics
Magnemite Evolves into Magneton at Level 30
Basic Stage 1
Height Weight
3' 03" 132 lbs.
Nickname Type
Magnet Electric / Steel (Steel in Gold, Crystal and Silver)
Attack Name Red/Blue Yellow Gold/Silver/Crystal
Tackle - - -
Sonicboom - - -
Thundershock - - -
Supersonic - - -
Thunder Wave 38 38 -
Lock-On Not Learned Not Learned -
Swift 46 46 35
Screech 54 54 43
Zap Cannon Not Learned Not Learned 53
HM/TM Compatibility - Red/Blue/Yellow HM/TM Compatibility - Gold/Silver/Crystal
TM01 TM02 TM03 TM04 TM05
TM06 TM07 TM08 TM09 TM10
TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15
TM16 TM17 TM18 TM19 TM20
TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25
TM26 TM27 TM28 TM29 TM30
TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35
TM36 TM37 TM38 TM39 TM40
TM41 TM42 TM43 TM44 TM45
TM46 TM47 TM48 TM49 TM50
HM01 HM02 HM03 HM04 HM05
HM06 HM07  
TM01 TM02 TM03 TM04 TM05
TM06 TM07 TM08 TM09 TM10
TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15
TM16 TM17 TM18 TM19 TM20
TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25
TM26 TM27 TM28 TM29 TM30
TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35
TM36 TM37 TM38 TM39 TM40
TM41 TM42 TM43 TM44 TM45
TM46 TM47 TM48 TM49 TM50
HM01 HM02 HM03 HM04 HM05
HM06 HM07  

Pokemon Aaah! Pokedex
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