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Daily Pokémon TCG News Du Jour

TCG Set Info
(With general info, and card scans, lists, and spoilers.)

TCG Errors
Other Info

PA! RBYGSC Pokédex
RBY Stuff
GSC Stuff
GSC Lost Pokémon
Remember PokéGods?
An Ode to Missingno.
Pokémon Battle Chart
Pokémon Movie Info
Lost TV Episodes

Pokémon USA
Pokémon City

Pokémon Battle Chart

A handy-dandy little guide to know what type attack does what to which Pokemon. Huh?

Pokémon Types
(The numbers going up-and-down is the attack type, while the numbers going left-to-right is the Defending Pokémon's type.)

1: Normal

2: Fire

3: Water

4: Electric

5: Grass

6: Ice

7: Fighting

8: Poison

9: Ground

10: Flying

11: Psychic

12: Bug

13: Rock

14: Ghost

15: Dragon

16: Dark

17: Steel


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All text and images are ©1999-2004 Philippe Van Lieu and FakeCard.com or their respective owners. This site is not affiliated, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Wizards of the Coasts/Hasbro.

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