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Rulings Guide
(Official rulings, compiled for easy research.)

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Rulings Guide
Need to know a ruling for a particular card? Found an infinite trick and need to know if you can exploit it? This is your page then! We've compiled every single official Duel Masters ruling into one handy page. Good times. It's the CompenDM! Get it??

General Game Rulings/Questions:

Q: I have a creature that has "blocker." Can I attack with it?
A: Yes, unless the creature says otherwise. Some blockers say "this creature can't attack players," so you can still use them to attack tapped creatures. Some blockers say "this creature can't attack," which means you can't attack with them at all. If a blocker doesn't say anything like that, you can attack with it. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Q: Some cards say "your opponent discards a card at random from his hand." How does that work?
A: Any way of choosing the card randomly is fine, but here's a good way: Your opponent mixes up the cards in his hand and holds them so you can see only the backs. You choose one of the cards, and he puts it into his graveyard. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Q: I have a creature that has "power attacker +4000." Then a spell gives it "power attacker +2000." What happens when I have the creature attack?
A: It gets +6000 power. When a creature attacks, you add up all "power attacker" abilities affecting it. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Q: Some cards say "draw up to 2 cards." Can I draw 0 cards?
A: Yes. "Up to 2" means 0, 1, or 2. Sometimes you have so few cards left in your deck that you don't want to draw any. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Q: The rulebook mentions "evolution creatures," but I can't find any. How do I get some?
A: The Base Set has no evolution creatures. The first Duel Masters expansion will have them. That's the Evo-Crushinators of Doom set, and it's coming soon! (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Base Set Rulings:

• Aura Blast:
Q: Aura Blast says, "Each of your creatures in the battle zone gets 'power attacker +2000' until the end of the turn. (While attacking, a creature that has 'power attacker +2000' gets +2000 power.)" If I cast Aura Blast, then summon a creature, does the new creature have "power attacker +2000"?
A: No. Aura Blast affects only your creatures that are in the battle zone when you cast it. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Black Feather:
Q: Black Feather, Shadow of Rage says, "When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy 1 of your creatures." What happens if I have no other creatures in the battle zone?
A: After you summon Black Feather, you have at least one creature in the battle zone: Black Feather. If you have no other creatures, destroy Black Feather. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Bronze-Arm Tribe:
Q: Bronze-Arm Tribe says, "When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone." Can I use that card for mana right away?
A: Yes. Bronze-Arm Tribe puts a new card into your mana zone untapped. You can tap it for mana right away, if you want to cast another spell or summon another creature. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Death Smoke:
Q: Death Smoke says, "Destroy 1 of your opponent's untapped creatures." Can I cast this if my opponent has no untapped creatures?
A: Yes, but it doesn't do anything. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Gigaberos:
Q: Gigaberos says, "When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy 2 of your other creatures or destroy this creature. ... Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)" Mighty Shouter says, "When this creature would be destroyed, put it into your mana zone instead." When I summon Gigaberos, what if I choose to destroy 2 of my Mighty Shouters? Does that count for Gigaberos's ability even though the Mighty Shouters aren't really destroyed?
A: Yes. What counts is that you choose to destroy 2 creatures. It doesn't matter if another effect prevents them from being destroyed. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Mighty Shouter:
Q: Gigaberos says, "When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy 2 of your other creatures or destroy this creature. ... Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)" Mighty Shouter says, "When this creature would be destroyed, put it into your mana zone instead." When I summon Gigaberos, what if I choose to destroy 2 of my Mighty Shouters? Does that count for Gigaberos's ability even though the Mighty Shouters aren't really destroyed?
A: Yes. What counts is that you choose to destroy 2 creatures. It doesn't matter if another effect prevents them from being destroyed. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Spiral Gate:
Q: Spiral Gate says, "Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) - Choose 1 creature in the battle zone and return it to its owner's hand." Can I return one of my own creatures to my hand?
A: Yes. It doesn't say you must choose one of your opponent's creatures. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Swamp Worm:
Q: Swamp Worm says,"When you put this creature into the battle zone, your opponent chooses 1 of his creatures and destroys it." Can I summon Swamp Worm if my opponent has no creatures in the battle zone?
A: Yes. Just do as much as you can of what Swamp Worm says. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Scarley Skyterror:
Q: Scarlet Skyterror says, "When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy all creatures that have 'blocker.'" Do I have to destroy my creatures that have "blocker" too?
A: Yes. Destroy all blockers, no matter whose they are. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

• Tornado Flame:
Q: Tornado Flame says, "Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Destroy 1 of your opponent's creatures that has power 4000 or less." When I want to use Tornado Flame to destroy a creature, do I just check the power number printed on the creature?
A: No. Check the creature's current power. Start with the power number printed on the creature. Then add any effects that have changed the power.(February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Q: A creature that has 3000 power and "power attacker +2000" broke my shield. My shield turned out to be Tornado Flame. I want to use Tornado Flame's "shield trigger" ability to destroy the creature that attacked me. Has the creature's "power attacker" worn off yet, or does it still have 5000 power?
A: The attacking creature still has 5000 power, so Tornado Flame would not destroy it. Breaking shields is part of the attack, so "power attacker" has not worn off yet. (February 9th 2004; Duel Masters Base Set F.A.Q)

Little by little this ruling guide gets filled up. If you yourself have a ruling question, swing by the Forums for some help! :D


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